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Why Taking a Break from Workouts This Summer is a Bad Idea

Summer is going to be here before we know it, and with vacations, BBQs, and longer days, it’s tempting to put fitness on hold until fall. But skipping workouts in summer can set you back more than you think. Here’s why staying consistent with your fitness routine—even during the summer months—is essential.

1. Muscle Loss Happens Faster Than You Think

When you take an extended break from strength training, your muscle mass and strength start to decline in as little as 2-3 weeks. This is known as detraining, and the longer you stay inactive, the harder it becomes to regain lost progress. Learn more about muscle loss and inactivity from the National Institute on Aging.

2. Your Metabolism Slows Down

Regular exercise keeps your metabolism high, helping you burn calories even when you’re not working out. Skipping workouts in summer can lead to weight gain, making it harder to return to your routine in the fall.

3. Cardio Fitness Declines Quickly

Cardiovascular fitness starts declining within 10 days of inactivity, meaning you’ll lose endurance and stamina fast. Even if you’re on vacation, adding short workouts like body weight exercises or resistance band training can help maintain your fitness level.

4. It’s Harder to Restart in the Fall

Many people say, “I’ll get back into it after summer.” But getting back into shape after months off is much harder than maintaining a steady routine. Instead of stopping completely, adjust your schedule—even two workouts per week can help you stay on track.

Stay Active This Spring/Summer with ELITE Fitness Alliance

Whether you’re traveling or staying local, staying active is easier than you think! Check out our ELITE Fitness Alliance Training Programs to stay on top of your fitness goals year-round.

👉 Read more at and keep crushing your goals this spring and summer!

For more information on strength training as we age, visit the The NIH National Institute on Aging.

skipping workouts in summer